Shvat Messica

Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Risk Estimation Using a Deep Learning-based Retinal Image Analysis

Deep Learning Researcher

Shvat Messica

Shvat Messica

Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Risk Estimation Using a Deep Learning-based Retinal Image Analysis

Deep Learning Researcher

Shvat Messica


Shvat is a deep learning researcher at NEC and an MSc Software and Information System Engineering student at Ben-Gurion University under the supervision of Prof. Lior Rokach. She holds a BSc in Computer Science from Ben-Gurion University.


Shvat is a deep learning researcher at NEC and an MSc Software and Information System Engineering student at Ben-Gurion University under the supervision of Prof. Lior Rokach. She holds a BSc in Computer Science from Ben-Gurion University.


Stroke is a major health issue worldwide, with 15 million people experiencing a stroke each year. Of these cases, 10 million result in death or permanent disability. Stroke not only causes significant mortality and disability, but it also has significant social and economic consequences. There are treatments available for it, but they are most effective when given soon after the stroke begins, and they become less effective over time. This presents a challenge, as patients need to be quickly taken to a stroke center for a CT or MRI scan to confirm the diagnosis and check for bleeding.

In this presentation, I will present a deep learning system that can accurately predict the likelihood of a patient experiencing an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. The system utilizes retinal images and basic medical information to extract multiple retinal biomarkers using a combination of various ensembles of models like GANs, LWnets, EfficientNets and ResNets, as well as classical vision methods. These extracted biomarkers, along with the basic medical data, are then fed into a CatBoost model for prediction. The approach leverages the similarity between retinal and cerebral vessels to provide a rapid, non-invasive, and highly effective way to predict strokes


Stroke is a major health issue worldwide, with 15 million people experiencing a stroke each year. Of these cases, 10 million result in death or permanent disability. Stroke not only causes significant mortality and disability, but it also has significant social and economic consequences. There are treatments available for it, but they are most effective when given soon after the stroke begins, and they become less effective over time. This presents a challenge, as patients need to be quickly taken to a stroke center for a CT or MRI scan to confirm the diagnosis and check for bleeding.

In this presentation, I will present a deep learning system that can accurately predict the likelihood of a patient experiencing an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. The system utilizes retinal images and basic medical information to extract multiple retinal biomarkers using a combination of various ensembles of models like GANs, LWnets, EfficientNets and ResNets, as well as classical vision methods. These extracted biomarkers, along with the basic medical data, are then fed into a CatBoost model for prediction. The approach leverages the similarity between retinal and cerebral vessels to provide a rapid, non-invasive, and highly effective way to predict strokes.

Planned Agenda

8:45 Reception
9:30 Opening words by WiDS TLV ambassador Nitzan Gado and by Lily Ben Ami, CEO of the Michal Sela Forum
9:50 Prof. Bracha Shapira – Data Challenges in Recommender Systems Research: Insights from Bundle Recommendation
10:20 Juan Liu – Accounting Automation: Making Accounting Easier So That People Can Forget About It
10:50 Break
11:00 Lightning talks
12:20 Lunch & poster session
13:20 Roundtable session & poster session
14:05 Roundtable closure
14:20 Break
14:30 Merav Mofaz – “Every Breath You Take and Every Move You Make…I'll Be Watching You:” The Sensitive Side of Smartwatches
14:50 Reut Yaniv – Ad Serving in the Online Geo Space Along Routes
15:10 Rachel Wities - It’s Not Just the Doctor’s Handwriting: Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare NLP
15:30 Closing remarks
15:40 End