Naomi Ken Korem & Talia Tron, PhD

Generative AI – Risks and Potential

Multimodal AI Researcher – Lightricks, Intuit

Naomi Ken Korem & Talia Tron

Generative AI – Risks and Potential

Multimodal AI Researcher – Lightricks, Intuit


Naomi is a senior researcher at Lightricks, working on image generation with Diffusion models and GANs. Naomi has a MSc in Computer Science from the Hebrew University 

Dr. Talia Tron is a data scientist at Intuit’s NLP team, leading the work around text generation. She is a faculty member of the Digital Medical Technologies program at HIT, and a cofounder of the Medical Data Science Israel (MeDS) community.


Naomi is a senior researcher at Lightricks, working on image generation with Diffusion models and GANs. Naomi has a MSc in Computer Science from the Hebrew University 

Dr. Talia Tron is a data scientist at Intuit’s NLP team, leading the work around text generation. She is a faculty member of the Digital Medical Technologies program at HIT, and a cofounder of the Medical Data Science Israel (MeDS) community.


Recent advances in the field of generative AI, such as chatGPT and Stable Diffusion, have generated a lot of buzz in the data science community and within the general public. These text generation algorithms can write stories, code computer programs, offer advice, and hold conversations. Image generation algorithms can generate images based on complex text prompts with a high level of semantic understanding, edit real images through text instructions, and even create short videos. These new models are able to generate creative new content, and may serve as a tool to express our imagination. Deployed at scale, the potential of generative AI capabilities is transformative, with some people even arguing that we are headed for a future where AI-generated text and images dominate human content.

In this roundtable, we will explore the potential and risks of large-scale adoption of generative text capabilities. We will discuss how these algorithms can be used to create positive impact, improve current tools in various fields such as medicine, healthcare, and AGTech, and consider the balance between effective and profitable use of text-generating algorithms and the dangers of relying on their output irresponsibly.


Recent advances in the field of generative AI, such as chatGPT and Stable Diffusion, have generated a lot of buzz in the data science community and within the general public. These text generation algorithms can write stories, code computer programs, offer advice, and hold conversations. Image generation algorithms can generate images based on complex text prompts with a high level of semantic understanding, edit real images through text instructions, and even create short videos. These new models are able to generate creative new content, and may serve as a tool to express our imagination. Deployed at scale, the potential of generative AI capabilities is transformative, with some people even arguing that we are headed for a future where AI-generated text and images dominate human content.

In this roundtable, we will explore the potential and risks of large-scale adoption of generative text capabilities. We will discuss how these algorithms can be used to create positive impact, improve current tools in various fields such as medicine, healthcare, and AGTech, and consider the balance between effective and profitable use of text-generating algorithms and the dangers of relying on their output irresponsibly.

Planned Agenda

8:45 Reception
9:30 Opening words by WiDS TLV ambassador Nitzan Gado and by Lily Ben Ami, CEO of the Michal Sela Forum
9:50 Prof. Bracha Shapira – Data Challenges in Recommender Systems Research: Insights from Bundle Recommendation
10:20 Juan Liu – Accounting Automation: Making Accounting Easier So That People Can Forget About It
10:50 Break
11:00 Lightning talks
12:20 Lunch & poster session
13:20 Roundtable session & poster session
14:05 Roundtable closure
14:20 Break
14:30 Merav Mofaz – “Every Breath You Take and Every Move You Make…I'll Be Watching You:” The Sensitive Side of Smartwatches
14:50 Reut Yaniv – Ad Serving in the Online Geo Space Along Routes
15:10 Rachel Wities - It’s Not Just the Doctor’s Handwriting: Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare NLP
15:30 Closing remarks
15:40 End