Astar Radoszkowicz

Data is Only as Good as its Quality: Strategies and Best Practices for Maintaining Data Integrity

Product Manager – Intuit

Astar Radoszkowicz

Data is Only as Good as its Quality: Strategies and Best Practices for Maintaining Data Integrity

Product Manager – Intuit


Astar is a product manager at Intuit in the AI and Data organization, working in the field of data quality to ensure data integrity throughout Intuit. Astar previously specialized in the field of fraud prevention and cybersecurity, both as a product manager and as a software development engineer in data protection products.

 Astar graduated with a Bachelor’s degree with honors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Tel Aviv University.


Astar is a product manager at Intuit in the AI and Data organization, working in the field of data quality to ensure data integrity throughout Intuit. Astar previously specialized in the field of fraud prevention and cybersecurity, both as a product manager and as a software development engineer in data protection products.

 Astar graduated with a Bachelor’s degree with honors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Tel Aviv University.


In the tech industry, data quality is crucial for the success of any project, particularly in the field of data science, machine learning and data analysis. Poor quality data can lead to inaccurate results and flawed decision-making, which can have serious consequences for businesses and organizations.

To ensure the quality of data, many organizations rely on data quality monitoring platforms. These platforms provide a range of tools and capabilities for identifying and addressing issues such as missing or incorrect values, duplicates and inconsistencies. One important feature of these platforms is anomaly detection, which can help identify data points that do not conform to expected patterns or distributions. This can be particularly useful in detecting errors or inconsistencies in data, which can then be corrected or flagged for further investigation.

One of the key benefits of using data quality monitoring platforms is that they can help organizations to identify and fix issues with their data early on, reducing the risk of errors and improving the overall accuracy of their analysis, decision making, and machine learning models. Additionally, these platforms can help organizations to identify trends and patterns in their data that may not have been visible without the use of these tools.

This talk will discuss the importance of data quality in the tech industry and how data quality monitoring platforms can help ensure that data is accurate, complete, and relevant, as well as the benefits they offer to ensure the data is reliable and trustworthy. It also explores the role of anomaly detection in identifying and addressing


In the tech industry, data quality is crucial for the success of any project, particularly in the field of data science, machine learning and data analysis. Poor quality data can lead to inaccurate results and flawed decision-making, which can have serious consequences for businesses and organizations.

To ensure the quality of data, many organizations rely on data quality monitoring platforms. These platforms provide a range of tools and capabilities for identifying and addressing issues such as missing or incorrect values, duplicates and inconsistencies. One important feature of these platforms is anomaly detection, which can help identify data points that do not conform to expected patterns or distributions. This can be particularly useful in detecting errors or inconsistencies in data, which can then be corrected or flagged for further investigation.

One of the key benefits of using data quality monitoring platforms is that they can help organizations to identify and fix issues with their data early on, reducing the risk of errors and improving the overall accuracy of their analysis, decision making, and machine learning models. Additionally, these platforms can help organizations to identify trends and patterns in their data that may not have been visible without the use of these tools.

This talk will discuss the importance of data quality in the tech industry and how data quality monitoring platforms can help ensure that data is accurate, complete, and relevant, as well as the benefits they offer to ensure the data is reliable and trustworthy. It also explores the role of anomaly detection in identifying and addressing

Planned Agenda

8:45 Reception
9:30 Opening words by WiDS TLV ambassador Nitzan Gado and by Lily Ben Ami, CEO of the Michal Sela Forum
9:50 Prof. Bracha Shapira – Data Challenges in Recommender Systems Research: Insights from Bundle Recommendation
10:20 Juan Liu – Accounting Automation: Making Accounting Easier So That People Can Forget About It
10:50 Break
11:00 Lightning talks
12:20 Lunch & poster session
13:20 Roundtable session & poster session
14:05 Roundtable closure
14:20 Break
14:30 Merav Mofaz – “Every Breath You Take and Every Move You Make…I'll Be Watching You:” The Sensitive Side of Smartwatches
14:50 Reut Yaniv – Ad Serving in the Online Geo Space Along Routes
15:10 Rachel Wities - It’s Not Just the Doctor’s Handwriting: Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare NLP
15:30 Closing remarks
15:40 End